Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mommy and Daughter Date!

I splurged last month and bought tickets for a mother/daughter date. Last Saturday, Averi put on her new princess dress, we bundled up Reagen, and headed to the Rabbobank Theater to see Disney Princesses On Ice. We had great seats. Right in the center and three rows up!

I was very impressed with the performance, and the costumes were amazing. Averi had a blast, and is still talking about it. Her favorite part was when Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs were skating. I love having daughters!


Lani said...

How fun Jen! Liana and I took our girls to see Princesses on Ice when they were Averi's age and they LOVED it! It's one of my most favorite memories!

Marlo said...

I was planning to take Brianne to that... but of course didn't work out. So glad you were able to go... What a fun mommy daughter date!