Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wyatt Turns 3!

Wyatt turned 3 years old on February 19th. We wanted to go and celebrate at the park, but since it rained that day, we moved it indoors at Pappa and Grandma's house. We had a small celebration with pizza, and Randy and Krystal came up to join us. I saw this cake at a scouting dinner, and then made it for Wyatt. Just a couple of special things about our "Wild Guy!" * He loves anything that has wheels, especially motorcycles. * He can always find dirt anywhere, and will stay occupied playing in it for hours. * He is lucky he is so cute, because he is such a handful!!!! * He loves to cuddle at bedtime. * Lately he loves to play with toy guns. He especially loves to watch the movie Tremors, where he shoots the monsters on the screen. * He loves to play with Averi, and misses her when she is at school. They play together all afternoon in the backyard. Wyatt has become quite a monkey, and loves to hang from the sewing set. * He has good manners and is always saying please and thank you. Also, he is always the first one to thank me for making dinner every night!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In my BYU Independent Study, I came across the most profound statement that really touched me. I thought I would share it.....

"It takes courage and faith to plan for what God holds before you as the ideal rather than what might be forced upon you by circumstances." Henry B. Eyring