Monday, February 16, 2009

Averi's Funny Sayings

So, I debated on if I should post this or not, but if you know Averi, you'll understand! She always keeps us on our feet with the funny things she says, and this one just needs to go down in the record books.
On Sunday, I got to teach her sunbeam class, which I really enjoy doing! There were only two kids there, and I taught them all about the Holy Ghost. Then, we put together books that I made and the kids colored all about the Holy Ghost.
When we got home from church, I always ask the children what they learned in their classes that day. They happened to be getting ready to go and spend the night at Pappa and Grandma's house. Averi wanted to take her book she made to show Grandma. So, I asked her, "Averi, do you remember what you learned about today?" She said, "no." So, I was trying to jar her memory, and I said, "The Holy..." and she relpied, "crap!" I laughed so hard, because she was so sincere. (I guess it could have been worse!)


Unknown said...

Holy COW LOL that was so Hilariouse. That made me laugh pretty hard too. lololololololol

Marlo said...

that is dang funny Jen...

Lani said...

I'm laughing so hard I almost fell out of my chair. Loved it!