Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Cast Be Gone!

Averi got her cast off today. I was so excited to come home and give her a full bath, with a good scrubbing from head to toe. When they were cutting off her cast, her eyes were as big as saucers. I think she was wondering if they were taking a part of her body away. She walked out of the doctors office still holding her arm up like it was still casted. She couldn't quite figure out what to do with her arm. When we got home, I put her in the bath tub, and she was really scared to get her arm wet. I ended up having to threaten to take her back to the doctors office if she wouldn't let me get it wet and wash it. She finally relented, and when she got out, she preceeded to scratch her arm until it bled. Yuck! But anyways, I'm glad the whole experience is over. I just can't wait to get the bill!

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