Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Today was the second day of spring break, and it started out with a bang! I am housesitting my parents dog while they are in Utah, and he was no where to be found when I woke up! I haven't been that scared in awhile. You have to understand, this dog was previously my Nonny and Poppy's dog before they passed away, and he is spoiled.....were talking to the point that the dog gets half-and-half poured over his food in the morning! Anyways, thinking that my grandparents will haunt me from their grave if anything happens to Bubba, I huredly dressed the kids in order to start our neighborhood search for this beloved dog! As we were running out of the house, Averi wearing only a shirt and diaper because it would take too long to get her dessed, low and behold, I flung open the front door, and in my state of panic, nearly tripped over Bubba! Whew....I immediately dropped to my knees for a prayer of thanks!

I also managed to take all four children clothing shopping today....and I am still alive to tell about it. The family will look great for Easter, but I am sure Burlington Coat Factory will never forget the experience of the Smith Family :)

Now that I am not pregnant anymore, I have slowly been trying to catch up on everything that I couldn't do the last couple of months. Well, in my frustration of being overwhelmed, I bribed the kids with money to help me pull weeds. I was ready for a bunch of complaining, but the weeds we so big, we all ended up just lauhing and having a blast!
Well, its time for dinner! Let's see if I can actually get Lani's recipe right this time. Third time is a charm! Leave it to me to mess up a recipe that is cooked in a crock pot!

1 comment:

Lani said...

I just know you'll be "chicken charmed" I'm giving you an award for bravest mom ever for venturing out with the brood to buy clothes. And I'm also very glad I decided to hold off on visiting teaching this week. Dogs and I don't mix, but I am glad you found him!