Thursday, March 20, 2008

I can't believe it. Here is my Wyatt! He is already one month old! He is such a joy to this family, and to Mom, because he sleeps through the night!!!! We live for his smiles, and he loves it when we sing to him. It is funny how he has already come up with so many nicknames. Averi named him "Diet" and I call him my "Wy-Guy." I love having a baby around! I just wish he would stop growing so fast.


Marlo said...

Hey Jen,
I know what you mean about wishing babies would stop growing so quick... I love your story about your parents dog. Isn't blogging fun. My kids have the most fun with it, they love to come and look at our blog, and see themselves.

Lani said...

Wyatt looks so sweet. It's a mini Ethan for sure!