Friday, September 4, 2009

Wyatt Learns The Meaning Of "OUCH!"

Wyatt is so very active lately, and he thinks it is funny that I can't keep up with him! He loves to climb and 'table dance', crawl to the top of his brothers highboy dresser, open doors and escape to the backyard, empty all the pots and pans from the cupboard.....and take all the canned goods out of the pantry! Well, today, the canned goods got the best of him! He was carrying around a can of soup, and I was getting lunch together for Averi and me. All of the sudden, I hear him scream! He dropped the can right on his big toe. It must have hurt like crazy, because he was inconsolable for twenty minutes! Low and behold, he walks around the house repeating his new favorite word....'ouch!' Looks like he will loose that toenail!


Marlo said...

poor wyatt!! I be that one hurt... maybe he won't be getting into the canned goods any more?!!!

camille said...

Ouch is right! Oooh, that hurts me looking at it!!

DOLLCASA said...

That picture of Wyatt's toe looks so painful. I hope he is feeling better.

Lani said...

Oh that looks so sad!