Sunday, June 8, 2008

Well, we made it through the first weeks of summer. I have to admit, I enjoy my days of sleeping in, and I have really enjoyed having the boys home all the time. They keep Averi entertained, and I can actually get some things done! I am so glad all my children are such good friends!

Here are some highlights of last week..... Yes, Averi is potty trained. I know the picture is blurry, but she is showing off her big girl underwear, and mom is celebrating the $40+ dollars a month saving on diapers. Only one kid in diapers now!

We had Bubba Black over for the week, while Pappa and Grandma were in Hawaii. He is such a good dog! As you can see in the picture, Averi has been treating him like her own personal pet. Yes, he was actually wearing Averi's headband around the backyard, without any complaints!

Ethan, Gavin, and Averi have been spending a great deal of their time getting wet by the sprinkler on the trampoline. (I thought I would learn from one broken arm!) But now, the boys are very careful not to jump high when Averi is on with them. I'm surprised I haven't passed out yet from the many times I have been holding my breath while this activity takes place. And Wyatt has mastered the skill of rolling over on his stomach....and then proceeding to scream because he can't do anything once he gets there. He was trying so hard, that he actually fell asleep in the process!


Marlo said...

Hey Jen, glad your enjoying summer vacation so far... some moments I have enjoyed so far... others not so much, but yes I have enjoyed being able to sleep in some days. Way to go Averi!! what a big girl!!

Lani said...

Oh the lazy days of summer! Not really for you though since you are taking care of your 4 kids and a HUGE dog! Tell Steve thank you so much for hanging out and helping us move--he was such an awesome help! I was so glad you said you almost picked up the phone to ask me a question! Next time REALLY call me, even if it's about what time dinner diners is (I'll just guess), but at least I'll get to talk to you!
Great job Averi! Enjoy your savings this month Jen!!