Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fathers Day

We had a pretty low key Father's Day. I did get Steve two Scentsy Car Candles, and a t-shirt that says, "Guns Don't Kill People.....Fathers With Pretty Daughters Do!" Plus, I also made him the famous 'Jill Payne and Matt Hunter' cookies. Here is a picture of Steve with his little ones!


Marlo said...

I love your recent posts... the pilow fight, Wyatt's hair... to funny! Happy father's day Steve, now what kind of cookies did you make him?!

Annie86 said...

jenn were did you get that shirt??? i have to buy Josh one! that cracks me up! oh my gosh lil wy guy gets bigger every day!
well can you believe this? my 2 year old is learning to sign from her aunt amberly! she'll be smarter then me in no time!