Wednesday, April 23, 2008

blog tag

What were you doing a decade ago?

A decade ago, I was a newlywed, married on Valentines day of 1998! Steve and I were living in a two bedroom duplex on Stubbs Ave in East Bay in Provo. We thought for a newly married couple, it was a pretty nice place. Our rent was $450.00! At the time I remember thinking 'how are we ever going to make the rent and utilities?' (If only it was that cheap now!) I was attending BYU, and working on my major of Marriage, Family, and Human Relations. I was also working part time at Valley Hearing Clinic. That job did not last too long, because I didn't like it, and I soon went to work full time as a waitress at Cracker Barrel. Besides only making $2.16 an hour before tips, I really enjoyed the job!

5 things on my to do list?

1- Rearrange plans to go to Sea World in San Diego from this weekend to May. I am bound and determined to go! (It also didn't help having crying kids yesterday when I had to tell them we couldn't go this weekend as planned.)
2- Get a new book to read....or should I say about four new books to get me through next week!
3- Figure out how to use my new blackberry curve. (Never upgrade to a cell phone that is smarter than you are!)
4- Frame the pictures that were taken of my kids back in February.
5- Go and play racquetball at the gym with my mom.

5 places I've lived

I haven't lived in too many places, so I have to actually go back to my birth to complete this part of the tag.
1- The first sixteen months of my life, I lived in San Pedro, California.
2- Oak View, California when I was a toddler.
3- Ojai, California, from about four years of age until I went to BYU
4- Provo, Utah, for six years
5- Bakersfield for the last four years!

5 jobs I've had

1- Waitress at Cracker Barrel in Springville, Utah.
2- Ojai Valley Inn and Country Club and Spa- worked as an assistant in the housekeeping office and also as a server in banquets.
3- Front Desk at Howard Johnson's in Provo.
4- Front Desk at Best Western in Ojai.
5- Assistant Unit Manager at Heritage School in Provo. (This was my favorite job I've ever had. Heritage is a treatment program and I worked with at-risk teenagers. I could have done this my entire life, but had to quit when we moved back to California.)

5 things people don't know about me

1- I can't go to sleep at night if Steve doesn't rob my legs and then tuck me in for the night!
2- While attending Ventura Junior College, my friend and I took up surfing. We used ditch school and go long-boarding a lot! It was such a good time in my life. Actually, I really love outdoor sports. Snow skiing and wave running are my favorites. I always say, "There is nothing a good day of skiing (....or wave running, or surfing.....) won't cure!
3- Mouth noises really bother me. I cannot tolerate them. I hate to hear people eat, snap gum, kiss on television, or anything that has to do with the mouth. I get very ornery, very fast when I have to be around mouth noises!
4- History intrigues me. I love to read about it, study it, and watch movies about it.
5- I am so terrible at math that they actually tested me to see if I was math illiterate at BYU.


Lani said...

Hey I've been horseback riding at Heritage school. My uncle was the principal there. And you don't like mouth noises? (yoke, yoke). I'm just kidding! He looks more and more like Ethan everyday. And I'm writing this on your b-day so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Marlo said...

Hey Jen,
very interesting, this tag was fun I learned a lot about everyone who did it. Hope you had a terrific birthday, and hope you get to go on your sea world trip soon.